vendredi 26 juillet 2013

Dear Poppyseed!

Today , July the 26th is the due date to the release of my friend's Alice Grist's 3rd and new book "Dear Poppyseed, A Soulful Momma's Pregnancy journal " .

No more High Heeled Guide, she's now talking about the journey that was her pregnancy and don't be fool, even when you're like me a "non-mama" (and if like me you think you might never become a mama), you still can buy it. 
I had the book in advance cos I pre-ordered it as soon as you could pre-order it but sadly because of work and more I haven't finished it yet but I WILL do a review of it, things i haven't done for her first 2 books :  The high heeled Guide To Enlightenment , The High Heeled Guide To Spiritual Living. Why? Cos I think I need to give a reason to the non-mama to buy and read this book.

You can find the book and all the links to interviews and articles or blogs wrote by Alice on the Facebook's page of the book and of course you can buy the book in all the good english bookstore ( WaterStonesWHSmith, ...) and on Amazon , and this book is also available for all the E-readers ;) ! 

And if one of your friends is going to be a momma soon, I think you should buy her this book as a lovely pregnancy present!

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