mercredi 18 avril 2012

The Lysergic Suite live @ The Gibson Guitar Studio

So they did it!!! Yes, Broccoli Events worked again with one of my fave band, as I announced previsously Broccoli Events organised a gig with The Lysergic Suite at the Gibson Guitar Studio in London. 

First, you can find the official pictures HERE , on the official Facebook page Of  Broccoli Events (that's why I used only one) . 

Secondly, you can watch an interview of the band before the gig:

AND finally, you can watch some of the songs played by the band at the gig.


"Earth and Water" (the famous one)

And a brilliant new song  "Gold"

If you're in London or around, don't forget that The Lysergic Suite will play 2 new gigs :

And they will be supporting Belakiss at the BarFly in May the 19th... :)

mardi 10 avril 2012

Modern Faces- First EP and UK Tour

You can, since yesterday, download "Pravda Scrolls/Cynical Brother" the 1st EP of Modern Faces on this LINK but you can also order the limited 7" vinyl version of this 1st EP.
This vinyl version will be only limited to 100 copies so be quick if you want one!

They also begun a new tour in the UK, so have a look at their tour date and jump on some tickets. You MUST see this guys live! Or you'll regret when they'll be big and play only stadium!

Little Night Terrors on Tour!

Some Great news for Little Night Terrors

1st, with the help of their fans, the band organised a big UK tour for end of April/May and a big date in Leicester in June. 
So if you're in one of this town or can travel till one of those, you MUST go and see them!

2nd, you can pre-order a limited edition of their next EP "Pocket Rocket ( where the light is)" in a 7" vinyl version by following this LINK ! This version will be released on May the 5th. But you can also download the MP3 version from the 29th April.