mercredi 18 avril 2012

The Lysergic Suite live @ The Gibson Guitar Studio

So they did it!!! Yes, Broccoli Events worked again with one of my fave band, as I announced previsously Broccoli Events organised a gig with The Lysergic Suite at the Gibson Guitar Studio in London. 

First, you can find the official pictures HERE , on the official Facebook page Of  Broccoli Events (that's why I used only one) . 

Secondly, you can watch an interview of the band before the gig:

AND finally, you can watch some of the songs played by the band at the gig.


"Earth and Water" (the famous one)

And a brilliant new song  "Gold"

If you're in London or around, don't forget that The Lysergic Suite will play 2 new gigs :

And they will be supporting Belakiss at the BarFly in May the 19th... :)

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