dimanche 25 août 2013

Dear Poppyseed, A Soulful Momma's Pregnancy Journal

As I already wrote here,Dear Poppyseed is the 3rd and last book by the english author Alice Grist . If you already read her 2 first books, this one is completely different, it's no more a guide and no more high heels! The sweet Alice has become a mummy and this 3rd book is her personal journal about her pregnancy, a kind of very long letter to her unborn baby.

By reading this book, you follow Alice from the beginning of her pregnancy till the birth and all the procedure that a birth occur. This book is, of course, a perfect book for all the mums in the world who would like to remember how the love for this unborn child increased from day to day and how a future momma keeps asking herself tonz of questions. This book is also perfect for the mum to be because Alice might answer some of your questions withouth even knowing it, and also if you are the only pregnant woman in your pack then Alice could represent a kind friend by your side. BUT if, like me, you're the single woman that still don't know if you're become a mum one day, this book is a kind of answer to a lot of questions!

Before starting reading this book, I was still wondering to myself "if tomorrow I finally, find the perfect man who would love me ( Not sure he exists! ), would i want to become a mum or not?". Im one of those girls who, when I was a child, I was sure I would do like all the women in my family : get married at 20 and become a mum before my 25. But it didn't happen like this and I started to freak out, everytime I saw or heard about someone getting married or being pregnant, the 1st thing I thought was "how old is she? .I became obsessed with that but for only one reason, I was alone and with no chance to know if my childhood's dream would become reality. When I celebrate my 25, I suddenly realized that I wasn't sure to want a baby because I don't know if I would be a good mum. Since then, I became a aunt and then thought that it's cool to be with a kid and play with this kid but it's also quite cool to give back the kid to the parents and to be free of doing what I want. Well I have a dog, as I can't have a human daughter, I have a doggy daughter and she's as grumpy as I am so as much as I love my niece, I also realized that having a baby is also getting a mini you. 
Alice's book made me realized one thing : having a baby is becoming a real adult! You still can be free to do what you want but now you have the responsibility of another person, a small person. And getting a baby with the love of your life is also a proof of love, this little human will be the "reunion of 2 families". 
That's also funny, because despite of Alice, I have another friend who had a baby girl (this year) and when you talk about pregnancy with her, she won't do it again. But my sister in law used to said the same thing (and she lived the same thing about the birthing (plus a C section)) but 5 years later, I had a 2nd niece. 

What can I tell you, this book makes you realized that no matter how old you are, you just need to be ready to become a parent, to be ready and to be with the good person. Alice also made all men realized that a pregnancy brings a lot of contradictions in the feelings of a pregnant woman, because even if everybody says it, I think that seeing this written on a white page would make some of the males understand that pregnancy is not always fun! And it's good to see that someone who is usually a proud rocker can become a very emotional dad who get the house ready for the little one. 

I met the little poppyseed twice and I can tell you that she's already a smart little person. 

So if you're still wondering what you want in life with your loved one, I think you should read this book and talk about it to your women friends and why not to the future dads you have in your area!!!  

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