After an amazing end of year where they saw their Christmas being played in a lot of radio stations, The Narrows kindly answered to some questions for me and YOU!.
First of all, can you introduce the band to the one(s) who hasn't read my previous post about The Narrows?
The Narrows are a dark electronic horror-pop band from Manchester. We make futuristic music with very loud guitars to enjoy the apocalypse by.
How did you all meet and who got the idea to make this band?
We’ve known each other since we were about 14 and have been in a few bands with each other before. But this time, everything just felt right.
Where does come from the name of the band?
It’s very geeky, but it is actually the name of the ghettoised area of Gotham City in the Batman graphic novels. We are not cool kids.
How came the inspiration to write the songs? And are you writing the songs all together?
How came the inspiration to write the songs? And are you writing the songs all together?
The inspiration for the songs come from actually wanting to write about things that are happening in the world, and not just inconsequential love songs whose sentiments have been said a thousand times before. We have a voice and an opinion and we will shout it. We write all together, in a little room, with no escape.
How would you describe your music?
How would you describe your music?
Dark, futuristic electronic guilt pop about paranoia, guilt, fear and modern society.
Why did you choose (if we can choose) this genre of music?
Why did you choose (if we can choose) this genre of music?
It chose us.
I discovered The Narrows thanks to the great Shell Zenner, how did you get in contact with her?The wonders of Twitter and social networking!
I discovered The Narrows thanks to the great Shell Zenner, how did you get in contact with her?The wonders of Twitter and social networking!
In my presentation of The Narrows here, I compared the band to Miike Snow, because the 2 bands use to do some kind of electro music using some "real" instruments and not only Computer and synthesizer. Is Miike Snow, a band you like and is there another band to who you could compare your work?
Miike Snow is indeed a band we like, but we have only become aware of them very recently. It’s difficult tocompare your work to other artists, as its like being asked to compare your child to another child. But, our influences are Bjork, Kraftwerk, Serge Gainsbourg, Scott Walker, Queens of The Stone Age and Radiohead.
For this Christmas, you made a new song, which was, on my opinion, totally different of the rest of your songs. Something more acoustic and less electronic. Why this abrupt change? (Do you think Santa woulnd't dance on that song?)
We had to make it acoustic because the BBC asked us to do it! And in Britain, you HAVE to do what the BBC say! It just kind of felt right for the type of song it became. We try not to restrict ourselves to styles too much. This is why some people may be surprised at what the album sounds like. And Santa would dance to anything. As long as he’s had enough brandy.
Also this song, Santa, Is That You Outside My Window?, has been played on different radios before Christmas, did you think this song would have such a good answer?
No! We just did as a little Xmas gift for people who liked our music and it kind of took off. But we’re not complaining. It’s pretty great that people seem to really like it.
Was it a first for you to write a song for a "special occasion"?
Phil and Adam secretly wrote and recorded a song for Dave’s birthday this year. It was a euro-dance pop smash called Guy 2 Guy. If anyone ever hears it we’re ruined.
What the past of all the members in the music industry? Have you been in other bands?
Yeah, we’ve been in other bands. This time it’s serious.
What would you do if music would be banned from our life?
I’m not entirely certain. But I don’t think I’d be very happy about it.
You have 2 videoclips for 2 of your songs, and in the both videoclips, the "story" is related to death, why?
Because death is the only certainty in life. Which is horribly, horribly ironic.
Is there a director with who you'd love to work?
Haneke / Kubrick / The Coen Brothers / Hitchcock / Goddard / Woody Allen / Orson Welles / Billy Wilder / Wes Anderson / Dario Argento
Where does come your love for music? Is there another art you'd love to work in?
Phil made a feature film once. So film and writing. Dave is pretty good at drawing skulls. Our love of music is either because of or despite of our parents, depending on who you ask.
What was the first ever album you bought and the first ever gig you went to?
They are both so embarrassing I genuinely don’t feel I can repeat them without destroying y reputation.
Is there a place/venue/country/city where you'd love to play?
Paris. New York. Then we’d retire.
Is there an artist with who you'd dream to work?
Any of the ones we mentioned before. And you can add Daft Punk and Prince to the list.
What are you wish(es) and resolution(s) for 2012?
That we survive long enough to finish the album. And that people hear it and like it.
Do you have a message for your fans?
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