This band I really really really love, you know! LIFE IN FILM!!!!! Well, yeah, they were back in Paris for a real proper gig but , unfortunatly, not as the healiner... Which Im sure will arrive soon after this excellent feedbacks I could hear in the venue after their set!!!
So, Life In Film came back in Paris (for the 3rd time if Im not wrong) this week on June 16th at Le Nouveau Casino which is a venue I really like (and use to go quite often!) and where I always seen some excellent gigs!
They have been asked to play before Tribes and Cage The Elephant but I came only for them even if I knew and liked Cage The Elephant..... So I came to the gig with my friend who was with me at the Burberry Store and 2 others friends.
They were playing at 7.30pm which is not that great because usually lots of people are not coming for the 1st band and even more when it's so early!!! I was kinda worried to miss them so had to run after work (well my boss is cool so she let me leave earlier!) and also worried that there won't be too much people BUT I was wrong there were more people than I usually see for the 1st band!
The band went on stage at exactly 7.30pm (and few seconds ;} ) with "Full Circle" and there the magic begun! Then they played the 1st single "sorry", followed by another one of their "famous" songs "Carla", then "Lose Control" , the new single "The Idiot" was the next, followed by "Get Closer", then the well know "Alleyway" which is the song you can find in its acoustic version on the Burberry website, then they finally had to leave the stage which they did with a cover of "Hey that's no way" by Leonard Cohen. They couldn't stop smiling or laughing during the whole set, Sam dared to thanks the persons who came so early to see their set and they had some good applause after the songs and a good one before they leave.
Sam put his voice perfectly on the songs, they played perfectly (No I swear I choose the good word!), even the lights were good! They only damper was Dominic (bass) who missed a chord because of someone taking pictures.... tssssss ;p
After their set, I tried to pay attention of what I could hear around me and I only heard positive thoughts, well except one person with who my friends talked, who said that they were quite boring!!!! Tutututu
Well, my gal Marion, which is like me a real music lover, discovered them live this night and at the 3rd song, she told me she loved them and now she used to listen to their songs often! :)
Well, the only thing that makes me "sad" was that there was no merch for them, not even a single badge but they will have some tee-shirts soon and that will be the beginning of the fame!
What can I say that makes you wanna come to see them live next time they'll be in Paris or else where in the world? Well, if you love good pop-rock music with a singer who has a very particular voice, then you should go and spread the word. If you love Caleb Followill voice, you will even more love Samuel Fry voice's!!! Don't ask me to compare them with another band cos I hate doing that and I don't want to!
Have a look here if you wanna know when and where they're gonna play soon, if you want a night full of good music with some great musicians then you should run to their shows!
*****Here some of my pictures of this gig*****
And you can see live this week in London at their first healine gig